Golden Charioteers Rolling Jamwagon

Oh, swing low sweet Charioteer, swooping down with extra succour and support for the starving artists… Who could forget that BSP’s own occasional record label is called Golden Chariot? No one, that’s who. Sign up as an esteemed GCRJ patron and you will receive:
• Metal GCRJ badge.
• Personalised certification.
• Postcard communiqués from BSP.
• Hand-written BSP lyric of your choice.
• Limited-edition Golden Chariot T-shirt.
• Exclusive BSP audio despatches transmitted to your in-box.
• Thank-you on box-set art-work, and art-work photo-inclusion as with “box-set plus.”
• Specially numbered and designated album box-set, complete with download codes for all tracks.


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